Journal Basic Info

  • Impact Factor: 0.285**
  • H-Index: 6
  • ISSN: 2638-4558
  • DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558
**Impact Factor calculated based on Google Scholar Citations. Please contact us for any more details.

Major Scope

  •  Cancer Clinic
  •  Ophthalmology
  •  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  •  Hypertension
  •  Virology
  •  Women’s Health Care
  •  Trauma
  •  Neurological Surgery


Citation: Clin Case Rep Int. 2021;5(1):1223.DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558.1223

Metabolic Acidosis due to Ketoacidosis in an Euglycemic Diabetic Patient with COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report

Tulin Akagun, Elvan Tekir Yilmaz , Tuna Albayrak and Hayriye Bektas Aksoy

Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Giresun University, Turkey Department of Anesthesiology, Giresun University, Turkey Department of Pulmonary Disease, Giresun University, Turkey

*Correspondance to: Tulin Akagun 

 PDF  Full Text Case Report | Open Access


Diabetes is the one of the most frequently detected comorbidities in patients infected with COVID-19. A few case reports also were published that COVID-19 may cause acute hyperglycemic crises (DKA/ HHS) in patients with inadequately controlled diabetes, as well as newly diagnosed diabetes. We report a metabolic acidosis due to ketoacidosis in an euglycemic diabetic patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. COVID-19 infection may cause fat breakdown and induce ketosis, ketoacidosis may develop at the end of the process.


COVID-19; Diabetes mellitus; Ketoacidosis

Cite the Article:

Akagun T, Yilmaz ET, Albayrak T, Aksoy HB. Metabolic Acidosis due to Ketoacidosis in an Euglycemic Diabetic Patient with COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report. Clin Case Rep Int. 2021;5:1223..

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