Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 4.082**
- H-Index: 6
- ISSN: 2638-4558
- DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558
Major Scope
- Respiratory Medicine
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Traumatology
- Breast Neoplasms
- Gastric Cancer
- Diabetology
- Radiology Cases
- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Clinical Case Reports International (ISSN 2638-4558) is an online peer-reviewed international journal purely dedicated to publishing genuine and academically valuable case reports that enrich the pre-existing knowledge in the field of medicine. We aim to publish the best-quality case reports and build a world-class platform for the latest information on a specific topic, with contributions from leading experts.
Clinical Case Reports International (ISSN 2638-4558) is an academic journal with an impact factor of 4.082* that separates itself from other journals by publishing exceptional works in the field of clinical research & trials that add valuable information to the existing medical knowledge.
Clinical Case Reports International (ISSN 2638-4558), which has been indexed in a number of top-tier indexing platforms, aims to disseminate comprehensive knowledge to all physicians, researchers, and students by providing unrestricted access to information and updates on ongoing clinical results.
We cherish each and every piece of work submitted and try to extend the journal, thereby contributing to society by raising awareness in health care and supporting patients through our publications. In compliance with high-quality publication ethics, all papers submitted were subjected to double-blind peer review.
We publish clinical and medical-based case reports, videos, images, and studies on contemporary clinical trials, observational studies, and research. The following topics are covered in the journal which include but are not limited to Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Clinical Sciences, Anatomical Pathology, Cytology, Immunology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Blood Transfusion, Hematology, Virology, Genetics, Molecular Pathology.
Clinical Case Reports International widely accepts manuscripts in the following areas.
- Allergy & Immunology
- Anatomy
- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Asthma
- Atherosclerosis
- Autism
- Biochemistry and Biostatistics
- Breast Neoplasms
- Cancer Clinic
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular Medicine
- Chemotherapy
- Child Birth
- Chronic Disease
- Dentistry and Oral Medicine
- Depression
- Dermatology and Cosmetology
- Diabetology
- Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
- Endocrinology
- Endoscopy
- Epidemiology
- Epilepsy and Seizures
- Family Medicine and Public Health
- Food Science
- Forensic and Legal Medicine
- Gastric Cancer
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- Geriatric Medicine
- Gerontology
- Hematology
- Hepatitis
- Hepatology
- Hypertension
- Infectious Disease
- Inflammation
- Internal Medicine
- Leukemia
- Lung Cancer
- Medical Radiography
- Mental Health
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology
- Neonatology
- Nephrology
- Neurological Surgery
- Neurology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic Sugery
- Orthopedics & Rheumatology
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Management
- Palliative Care
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Physiology
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic Surgery
- Pneumonia
- Preventive Medicine
- Psychiatry
- Pulmonary Disease
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiology Cases
- Renal Disease
- Respiratory Medicine
- Sexual Health
- Signs and Symptoms-Clinical Findings
- Sleep Disorders & Sleep Studies
- Sleep Medicine and Disorders
- Sports Medicine
- Surgery
- Surgical
- Toxicology
- Transplantation Medicine
- Trauma
- Traumatology
- Tuberculosis
- Urology Cases
- Vascular Medicine
- Veterinary Sciences
- Virology
- Women’s Health Care