Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 4.082**
- H-Index: 6
- ISSN: 2638-4558
- DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558
Major Scope
- Ophthalmology
- Sports Medicine
- Atherosclerosis
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Orthopedic Sugery
- Oncology
- Cardiology
- Pediatrics
Citation: Clin Case Rep Int. 2022;6(1):1387.DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558.1387
Multidisciplinary Approach against Corynebacterium in Encrusted Cystitis
Sierra A, Guerrero JA, Rico V, Ribera I, Bosch J, Costa M and Franco A
Department of Urology, Clinical Hospital of Barcelona, Spain
Department of Anatomopathology, Clinical Hospital of Barcelona, Spain
Department of Infection Diseases, Clinical Hospital of Barcelona, Spain
Department of Microbiology, Clinical Hospital of Barcelona, Spain
*Correspondance to: Agustin Franco
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Corynebacterium Lipophile group F1 is a powerful urea-splitting microorganism reported as an opportunistic nosocomial pathogen causing encrusted cystitis and urinary calcifications. It is isolated from patients receiving broad spectrum of antibiotics or long-term urinary catheter carriers. Its identification is one of the biggest challenges facing the laboratory because it is usually missed in routine urine cultures since it does not grow well after an overnight incubation. Thus, its diagnosis is often delayed due to the need for specific culture media, staining techniques and electron microscopy. Herein, we report one patient with clinical suspicion of Corynebacterium urinary infection. However, the isolation of the pathogen was highly demanding. The aim of this case report is to highlight the need of a multidisciplinary approach to diagnose this pathogen and the establishment of protocols to make easier its diagnosis.
Infection; Encrusted cystitis; Urinary stones; Corynebacterium Lipophile
Cite the Article:
Sierra A, Guerrero JA, Rico V, Ribera I, Bosch J, Costa M, et al. Multidisciplinary Approach against Corynebacterium in Encrusted Cystitis. Clin Case Rep Int. 2022; 6: 1387.