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  • Impact Factor: 4.082**
  • H-Index: 6
  • ISSN: 2638-4558
  • DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558
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  •  Child Birth
  •  Cardiology
  •  Obstetrics and Gynecology
  •  Psychiatry
  •  Neurology
  •  Tuberculosis
  •  Radiation Oncology
  •  Women’s Health Care


Citation: Clin Case Rep Int. 2022;6(1):1399.DOI: 10.25107/2638-4558.1399

Vascular Anatomical Variants of Multiple Territories in a Patient with Posterior Circulation Infarcts: A Case Report

Romo WCM, Ariza-Varon M, Márquez N and Lozano A

Department of Diagnostic Imaging, National University of Colombia, Colombia
Department of Clinical Neurology, National University Hospital, Colombia
Department of Clinical Neurology, National University of Colombia, Colombia
Department of Medicine, National University of Colombia, Colombia
National University of Colombia, Colombia

*Correspondance to: Walter Camilo Mera Romo 

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Introduction: Stroke in posterior vascular territory is less frequent that anterior infarcts, in some cases the anatomical variations can generate an increase in the probability or even be the explanation of the decrease in flow to a certain territory, it is usual to find some anatomical variants in each person, however multiple malformations are not usually as frequent and less in the central nervous system where there are vital structures that require the maintenance of blood flow. Case Report: We present an unusual clinical case based on a patient with headache and cerebral, thalamic and right occipital infarcts associated with multiple congenital and secondary anatomical variants in the cerebral vascular circulation. Our patient had multiple vascular variants including azygos anterior cerebral artery, hypoplasia of the left A1 segment and, anterior communicating artery, aortic origin and, hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery with left main terminal branch Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA), old occlusion of the amputated basilar artery at the top with collateral circulation by bilateral Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (AICA) arteries and, via PICAs. Discussion: The set of brain anatomical variants found in the anterior and posterior circulation and post-infarction changes via bilateral AICA and right PICA is rare in the literature, especially about the clinical presentation of the patient. Following the above, it is important to report this case due to the low prevalence of the set of anatomical variants described and the absence of similar cases described in the literature.


Brain anatomical variants; Acigos artery; Brain infarction posterior circulation; Infarction basilar artery

Cite the Article:

Romo WCM, Ariza-Varon M, Márquez N, Lozano A. Vascular Anatomical Variants of Multiple Territories in a Patient with Posterior Circulation Infarcts: A Case Report. Clin Case Rep Int. 2022; 6: 1399.

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